Monday, February 14, 2011

Machias match

Last Saturday, I shot a match at Machias. The wind was switching fast, and I was constantly adjusting! I didn't have to adjust much, just a 1/4, a 1/2 or 3/4 minutes. Also, the wind was fishtailing, so that makes it harder to shoot in. I love the challenge of reading wind, it helps my wind reading skills, and I am becoming more confident with my adjustments. Machias doesn't get a lot of wind, like at this match I only had on about a 1/2 minute, but it switches a lot.

My first string was a 199-11X, the wind wasn't too bad in this string but it did switch a few times. My second string was a 197-11X. This string was a little bit harder, it switched a lot, and picked up, and let off. On my third string, the wind was switching almost constantly and it picked up and let off even more than my second string! I had a 195-7X, I wasn't very happy with that score, but the conditions were hard to shoot in.  Even though I dropped 9 points total, I still shot a high master score! I was hoping for tricky wind, and that's what I got. I didn't want an easy match, where all I have to do is shoot, and maybe adjust 1/4 minute once or twice! I loved shooting in the wind like that, because it's fun, and challenging.

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