Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Chrstmas!

   My friends got me a shirt for Christmas. It says 'Why yes, I do shoot like a girl.' I love it! I wanted a shirt like that, so I'm really happy that I got one. I'm going to wear it to my next match. 

  They also got my dad a shirt that says 'Caddy Dad'. It's really funny, because at matches he always helps me bring all of my shooting gear out of our truck. He's going to have to wear it to matches, because he's a daddy caddy! It's an awesome shirt for matches, just like mine!

Thank you Rettmers! We love them =)

My Dad

~Have a Merry Christmas everybody!~


EML said...

These shirts are awesome!Love it! *LOL* See you tomorrow!

Bonnie Lien said...

Thanks for the great laugh! I only wish I would of thought of them. What a great gift for the two of you!!